Friday, April 15, 2011

My Hair Smells like Hospital

On Monday I noticed FOR SURE there was something amiss with my left eye. I did the whole “camera 1, camera 2” and noticed my camera 1 was not doing it right. I called my doctors office, explained the blurry patch i was experiencing, and was immediately put in to see Urgent Care. That doc couldn’t see anything wrong with my eye, and suggested I see my optomatrist. So back to work I went and got in to see Dr. Larson at 3:45.

He did the eye test with the lenses on my right eye “is number 1 sharper, or is number 2” and i was all “number 1...noo..maybe number 2.. can i see 1 again? Ok for sure 1!” and on it went (he also told me I was using a perscription in my *new* glasses from 2004! That explains sooo many things..). Then he switches to the lenses for the left eye “which looks clearer.. 1 ...... or 2...?”, “ do i tell you when i can read it, or when i think something might be up there?”. He was all wtf? And i explained the fuzziness so he said just tell me when you can read it. Im sure he gave up when the lens was the thickness of a coke bottle, and decided to dialite my left pupil. He put the drops in, checked out my eye, and left the room. He returned with a nurse and said emerg at the hospital is expecting me and to make my way over there right now. “I didn’t expect my eye appointment to end up in emergency..” “I know you didn’t brenna, but i can officially say you are a mystery”. To which i smiled broadly and said “ok!”

5 hours later im getting checked out by a nurse who checks my eyes 3x. I told her if it helps at all, dr, larson couldn’t see anything wrong with it either. She asked if he put any drops in, i said yes, my left eye. “THANK GOD bc your pupil is huuuuuuge!” “lol I didn’t do that one myself!”.

After the resident took a few looks (5) and went back to talk to the surgeon, he said it could be something that is common in “fertile women aged 25-40. It lasts 3 weeks and kinda creeps up, gets really bad, then creeps away and lasts about 3 weeks” (i’ve had suitors like that). I’ve got an appointment back at the emerg tomorrow with the opthamologist and thankfully tonight, i avoided the catscan.

When i was leaving, i knew there was no way I’d find the way out to my car (somehow I ended up entering the hospital from the basment...) and as I asked the resident where the parkinglot was, another hospital worker said he’d help me find my car. As we walked from parkinglot to parkinglot “does this look familiar? Not really.. oknext one!”, finally we found it! I asked if i coudl shake his hand bc “with this wonky eye I would have been here till midnight!”

... this guy ended up taking his sweater off to reveal he was wearing nothing underneath. I’m sure it only made my eyesight worse *cringe*

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