Thursday, April 7, 2011


Dex got some honks and whistles on our walk yesterday! I’d like to say the attention didn’t go straight to his head, but he did get a little bumptious the rest of the night. I can’t blame him since he was jumping puddles like a show pony.

He loves his walks, and tends to get all up in my grill by the time 6:00 rolls around and he hasn’t pee’d on every blade of grass within 5kms (you know its true). I love taking him for walks, but dread bathing him awkwardly in the kitchen sink (it’s a split sink and while he can fit, he refuses to have feet in one, arms in the other; he prefers to squeeze his bad self into one and then act really really uncomfy). But, for the walks, I am prepared to do it, even every day after work until the sidewalks dry up and get swept clean.

However, in the mornings I don’t want to do it. There is a patch of land right off the back steps that has no grass on it anymore. This needs to be fixed most importantly because of how unsafe it proved itself to be (Moms a-ok and the Irish really do have strong heads), but moreover, because it turns 5 minutes of Dex time into a 20 minute bath in the sink to get that mud off, and then wash down the floors.

I searched my brain and my basement for something to temporarily solve the dilemma, a gentleman’s jacket to be thrown over the muddy puddle for Dex perhaps. Short of this, I had nothing that was appropriate for Outside but I DID have an inappropriate extra bathmat! voila!
Now I’m just a lopsided shed and a lone tire away from a whole other world

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